The 2nd Task 56 meeting was hosted by Prof. Knaack at Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany. 23 experts from 10 research institutions and 7 commercial companies participated in the meeting. Invited experts from BASF, MERCK Group and CIIPAG (China International Investment Promotion Agency) joined the meeting.
Following 8 countries (no.of experts) were represented: Austria (3), Canada (1), Denmark (2), Germany (7), Italy (3), Norway (2), The Netherlands (1) and Ireland (3) as observer.
A general introduction of Task 56 was given by the Operating Agent Roberto Fedrizzi. The Subtask leaders went through the workplan and the progress was identified in presentations together with the experts. The meeting included a lab tour, where Dipl.-Ing Andreas Maier guided through ETA Factory "The energy efficient model factory of the future" (a,c). A PhD project by Wang Xiang was visted at the Campus of TU Darmstadt (e). At the end of the meeting, Jasper van den Muijsenberg by Merck Window Technologies, organized a visit to their premises near Darmstadt for a demonstration of their Liquid Crystal Window Technology (d).

Meeting Information (to be completed)
Meeting Agenda, Logistics and Hotel Information (pdf)
Meeting Minutes (pdf)
Meeting Participants (xlsx)
Meeting location:
L1|11 ETA-Fabrik
Eugen-Kogon-Straße 4
64287 Darmstadt, Germany
Contact persons
Roberto Fedrizzi -
Silke Wallner -