New Task 56 publications available online!
Task 56 experts want to share more than 20 new articles, which were published in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings during 2018 and are now online for download on the IEA SHC website. These include ten
presentations from Task experts during the autumn 2018 events EuroSun 2018 in Rapperswil (CH), the 13th
Conference on Advanced Building Skins in Bern (Ch) and ISEC - International Sustainable Energy
Conference 2018 in Graz (AT).
Two Task 56 contributions were presented at the EuroSun 2018 Conference
(Sept. 10-13, 2018 in Rapperswil, Switzerland)
by Matteo D'Antoini (EURAC Research, Italy) and Toni Calabrese
(Innsbruck University, Austria)
- Read abstracts and download papers here.
- Further reading in the latest Solar Update.
Task 56 sessions at the ABS Conference 2018 in Bern, Switzerland
Five presentations were given by Task 56 Experts during Session D3: "Active Façades for Ventilation,
Heating and Cooling" at the 13th Conference on Advanced Building Skins in Bern on October 1, 2018.
The Session C7 "Façade Integrated Day- and LED-Lighting Basedon Micro-Optical Components" - was led by
Task 56 Expert Jan de Boer, Fraunhofer IBP, Stuttgart, Germany. Here one presentation was closely related to Task 56.
- Read abstracts, download papers / presentations here
Two Task 56 contributions were presented at ISEC 2018 (October 3-5, 2018 - Congress, Graz, Austria).
- Read abstracts and download papers here.
6th Experts meeting
at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
The 6th Task 56 Experts meeting was arranged by the Centre for Zero Energy Building Studies at Concordia
University, Montreal from September 19-21, 2018. 22 experts from 10 research institutions and four companies
participated at the events, partly by video conference. Seven countries were represented:
Austria, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Norway and The Netherlands.
On the 2nd day of the meeting, a "Canada Research, Development, Demonstration and Industry Workshop" was arranged. In two roundtable sessions, representatives from Canadian research and industry discussed development and adoption of building-integrated solar technologies.