“Task 56” and "Smart Energy Green Cities" invited to an afternoon event about active solar façades. In the first session, we were looking at active solar façades in an urban context. In the second session, we were focusing on concrete active solar façade technologies and meeting the technology providers. Find more information about the event in the Agenda of the workshop. The workshop was arranged by Vickie Aagesen (viaa@kubenman.dk), KUBEN Management and Alireza Afshari (ala@sbi.aau.dk) from SBI at Aalborg University.
Agenda of the workshop
Invitation |
Workshop participants |
Summary |
Session 1 "The active solar façade at district level"
- was led by Roberto Fedrizzi, EURAC Research, Italy

Knud Pedersen, chairman RADIUS, Denmark
The electricity distribution company, Radius, is preparing itself to a new role with much more interaction between the distribution company and network customers who want to contribution to the green transition using PV panels, batteries and electric cars.

Erik Christiansen, CEO EBO Consult A/S, Denmark
Erik Christiansen tells about the new EU directives for Energy Communities and how they will set their mark on the future energy picture in Denmark.

Ellika Taveres-Cachat, NTNU, Norway
Ellika Taveres-Cachat presents a review work about solar active envelopes for zero emission neighbourhoods.
Session 2: "The Active Solar façade at building level - introduction"
- was led by Fabian Ochs, Innsbruck University, Austria

Martin Dietz, Solarlightning, Architect and contractor, Denmark
Visions and conditions: Martin Dietz from Solarlightning tells about the custom-made BIPV roof solution that will be installed at Landsdommergården in northwest Copenhagen.

Michaela Meir, Aventa AS, Norway
AVENTA is a Norwegian manufacturer presenting projects with their BIST technology and how BIST can be integrated in DH networks at end-user level (H2020 project RELaTED).

Roberto Fedrizzi, EURAC Research, Italy
Presentation of the different active façade systems on the market and on the solutions that we might see on the market in the future.